Session Content

Teri Balzer
Main Sessions: Belonging & Identity, Emotions, Unique Gems in God's Treasure
1. Belonging/Identity : Complete truth of self, who you are. Knowing your worth in Christ. Jesus love and identity reaches deepest recesses of soul, mind, heart. How Jesus shows affection/honour freely not from religious effort payment. Core of you- not behaviour modification, masks, image management. How to be in soaking presence with Jesus to be able to water out.
2. Emotions : the problem with being emotional…..
Ladies tend to feel ashamed or apologetic if they are emotional- so often I hear I just got to stop being so emotional- so what is the good (because there is a lot of good) in being emotional, what do they indicate is going on in your journey. Feelings vs Emotions (which comes first emotion or feelings), finding joy, hope, health, balance.
3. Unique gems in Gods treasure- Comparison Game
All chosen adopted daughters. Why do we compare - what does the comparison serve us? For comfort, reinforce negative ideas/image, serve proof your not___., be the strong link in the sisterhood - look up from your own wave pool to call-out to others. Boundary’s in the circles of depth with different friends.

Avery Heyn
Breakout Session: Issues Teens Face
We will be looking at how to stay in the Word and how important it is to have a Godly community. We also will learn different ways to help us stay in the Word and personalize our Bibles, as that has helped me. We will also be talking about how to become Godly women through our friendships.

Laurel Pritchard
Breakout Session: Spiritual Friendships
During the Spiritual Friendship Breakout Session we will be introduced to another way to support our relationship with God. Using Luke 24's Journey to Emmaus as a model, we will learn to be together with a soul friend. We will gain the practical skills of being attentive listeners who are learning to be aware of the Spirit in their own lives. Participants can expect to learn what a spiritual friend is, how to listen and share from the heart and how to set up a plan for practicing spiritual friendship in the coming months that will help you to grow in your life with Christ.

Connie Shalagan
Breakout Session: Abundant Life- what is it and how can I have it?
The session will first look Biblically at God's perspective and what Scripture says an abundant and rich life is, and then we will shift into some life coaching/journaling where we think through together what in your life is not satisfying and rich and how we can move towards growth.

Self Lead with Irene Hamm
Breakout Session: The Presence of Shalom
The Presence of Shalom invites you into His Presence in this
candle lit room. Come just as you are and receive His deep peace.

Laura Sikorski
Breakout Session: Studying God's Word
Bible literacy is for everyone. You don’t have to be a theologian or even a long term believer to understand the Word. God wants everyone to know and understand His heart and intention through every verse. The heart cannot love what the mind doesn’t know ~Jen Wilken Romans 15:4 says the Bible was written for Instruction so through perseverance and encouragement of the scriptures we can have Hope. But we are not alone. John 16:13 says the Spirit of Truth will come to guide you. And we have a responsibility 2 Timothy 2:15 says to be diligent and present yourselves approved to God as a Workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth. And ultimately we can become doers of the Word and not just hearers of the Word. (James 1:25) Studying the Bible grows our connection with God through his written Word. It reminds us of His character, promises, our dependence on him, and our future together. In this workshop we will be learning practical tools to observe, interpret, and apply.

Karen Gustafson
Breakout Session: Secure Attachment
Belonging Is Like Gardening… It All Starts in The Soil.
The Parable of the 4 Soils and research in the 4 Attachment Styles – enlighten our understanding of how environments impact our sense of belonging. The environments of worries (Thorny Soil), hardness of heart (Hard Soil) or meager growth(Rocky-Shallow Soil), damage our sense of belonging. On the other hand, when we abide and become rooted in the positive environment of Secure Attachments (Good Soil) with God and others, we experience the many Benefits of Belonging!